Chess For Kids, Afterschool Programs, & Local Community Centers

Hope Chess is a program that teaches chess to children and young adults to improve cognitive skills, such as problem-solving and critical thinking.

STEM For Kids & Afterschool Programs

Introducing the exciting world of robotics to young minds, Hope Robotics aims to boost cognitive abilities such as problem-solving and critical thinking, while fostering creativity and innovation.

All Kids Are Welcome!

Hope Chess welcomes all children, regardless of background or experience, to join our fun and engaging program to improve their chess skills. We are inclusive and strive to help every child reach their full potential.

Hope Chess for Community Partnerships

Hope Chess & Robotics: Building Chess Communites

Hope Chess & Robotics is dedicated to building chess communities by providing educational enrichment opportunities through chess and robotics programs. By partnering with local schools and community organizations, we aim to promote the game of chess and its many benefits to children and young adults. Our programs not only improve cognitive skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking, but they also help develop good sportsmanship and mental discipline. Through tournaments, workshops, and other events, we bring together chess players of all skill levels to foster a sense of community and belonging. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, Hope Chess & Robotics welcomes you to join us in our mission to build strong and vibrant chess communities.

Hope Chess Benefits & Fun Facts

Benefits of bringing Chess & STEM to your Community

Chess is not only a game but also a powerful tool for personal and cognitive development. By learning chess, kids can improve their problem-solving, critical thinking, and sportsmanship skills, among other benefits.

Benefits Chess & Robotics for kids

  • Improves cognitive skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking.
  • Develops good sportsmanship and mental discipline

  • Enhances memory and concentration.

  • Encourages strategic and logical thinking.

  • Boosts self-confidence and self-esteem.

  • Provides an opportunity for social interaction and teamwork.

Frequently Asked Questions

The membership fee can vary, it can be a minimal fee to cover expenses or it can be free.

Interested individuals can reach out to the organization through their website or social media accounts and inquire about volunteer opportunities.

Events can vary, but typically they include chess tournaments, educational workshops, chess camps, and social events.

Let’s get started

Interested In Starting A Chess Club?

If you are interested in starting a chess club at your school or organization fill out our form to get started! Our friendly chess coaches will be in touch!
First Name
School Name
Email Address
Phone Number
How can we help you?
How Many Participants?
When are you wanting to start?
Additional Information